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How Web Design Affects SEO: Here’s What to Know

Home » SEO » How Web Design Affects SEO: Here’s What to Know
How Web Design Affects SEO: Here’s What to Know
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When most people think of web design, looks and functionality are two of the first things that come to mind. What many people don’t realize, however, is that web design actually goes far beyond that. The truth is that web design can actually play a role in how your website ranks in search engines. While the right design can really help you get closer to the top of the search engine, the wrong design can cost you lots of organic traffic. If your SEO has been suffering, a  poorly designed website could actually be one of the reasons. 

If you’re ready to make sure your website is designed to perform to the best of its abilities, today is your lucky day. Let’s talk about how web design affects SEO

Mobile-Friendly Websites Rank Higher In Google

Mobile-Friendly Websites Rank Higher In Google

The majority of people use mobile devices to visit websites and that trend is only going to continue to grow in the years to come. Businesses who don’t have mobile-friendly websites are certainly behind the times, and it could end up costing the business money. If people visit your website from a phone or tablet and find that it doesn’t resize correctly to their device, you can almost guarantee that they’re going to leave and they will more than likely go to one of your competitors. If your website isn’t mobile responsive, that is one of the first design changes you should make. 

Readability Is Good For SEO

There’s a reason people say content is the king of the internet and that’s because without content there would be no websites. But while it’s important for your website to have content, it’s also important for people to be able to read it easily. Whether you already have a website or are looking to make changes to your existing one, it’s important that readability be at the top of your priority list. If not, you will probably see your rankings start to suffer because Google isn’t going to rank a site high if it notices that visitors are constantly leaving your site and coming back to Google. 

Page Speed Can Affect Rankings

Did you know that even a 100 millisecond delay can cause conversion rates to drop by 7%? Needless to say, the amount of time your website takes to load is very important. Websites that take too long to load ultimately provide a poor experience for visitors and that’s the last thing you want. Once people have one bad experience with a website, they probably won’t return. If your website is slow, viewers are going to move on which can eventually negatively impact your SEO. 

A Well Designed Website Builds Trust With Visitors

As a business owner, you’re probably already aware of the fact that it’s important to build trust with your target audience. People are much more likely to spend money with businesses they trust. The good news is that a great website will do just that. When people visit your website, they should be able to get a good idea of what your business is and what it has to offer. Your website should look good and visitors should be able to navigate the website easily to find what they’re looking for. Establishing your website as trustworthy isn’t just good for your business, but it can also be good for your SEO. 

Images Can Help With SEO

Words are not the only thing that count as content. Images also play a crucial role in web design, and they can also be really beneficial from an SEO standpoint. Images should always be relevant to the rest of the content on the page and they should also be optimized so that they don’t take too long to load. That said, it’s important to find a good balance between the images and text on your site. When you use images on your website, it is also a good idea to use alt texts and captions.

Web Design and SEO Go Hand in Hand

Web Design and SEO Go Hand in Hand

Although it may be easy to think of web design and SEO as two completely different things, the truth is that they have a much closer relationship than it may seem on the surface. A website that is visually pleasing and easy to use will benefit your business in more ways than one. Not only will it give your current customers an experience that will keep them coming back for more, but it will also make new visitors want to stay.

Local SEO Search has all of the tools and experience to design the perfect website for your needs. We are focused on helping our clients provide the best experience to their customers and we are dedicated to seeing results. Set up a free consultation today to learn more about our web design services.

About the author

As the founder of Local SEO Search, John Vuong is a distinguished SEO expert with over 10 years of experience in the digital marketing landscape. He has leveraged his expertise to help businesses from a wide range of industries achieve higher rankings and be more visible in the search engine results pages (SERP). His keen understanding of the intricacies of search engine algorithms allows him to empower companies in their quest to build their online presence and drive organic traffic. His proven track record of success has resulted in well-earned recognition from both clients and industry peers, solidifying his reputation as a trusted authority in the field. John's passion for SEO is matched only by his commitment to educating and guiding business owners towards sustainable online growth.

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